Backpacking friendly Apple Cider Chai: It Ain't FALL Camping Without THIS

Ordering a chai at a coffee shop usually amounts to about $5 of disappointment. They’re normally 98% milk with just barely a dash of spiced tea flavor. It’s actually very rare to order a chai that is actually a dark, robust, a punch of masala spices, milky, and sweet. Even actual Indian restaurants are just okay tea affairs. I’ve resorted to making chai’s at home thanks to Shruthi, from @holidayatsea, showing me her ways.

Making actual chai at camp could prove to be a little challenging. This is a much easier, less labor intensive, and camp friendly version of a beverage that hits the same spot that craves a good chai.

Plus, one sip will officially transport you into the fall season.


Serves 2
Prep time: 3 min
Cook time: 10 min

  • 3 bags of chai (we prefer the Twinings brand, Amazon)

  • 0.8L or 3 1/2 cups of apple cider (spiced cider if you want much spicier flavors)

  • 2 sticks of cinnamon ⁣(optional)


Bring 0.8L or 3 1/2 cups of apple cider (optional: add in 2 sticks of cinnamon) to a boil. Keep the lid off, or the cider will boil over everywhere and onto everything to create a very sticky mess (don’t ask us how we know).

Place in three bags of chai, and steep for 5 minutes, while simmering on low. If you put in the optional cinnamon, remove the tea bags after steeping and let the cinnamon steep for another 5.

Optional garnishes: sliced apples

Pour into cups, and enjoy!